Thursday, July 22, 2010


(A daydream really and not a lot more, brought to life in sporadic images).

A creased and discarded tarot card,
the litter swirling through the museum of my life,
of unfulfilled hopes, failed wishes and whimsy dreams,
lain heavy, sodden, undisturbed as silt in the depths of memory,
await the callous prod of apathy’s endless benign ache
that, like the phantom of matters past,
serves to churn old thoughts and memories.
The hazy characters, some on brittle plinths,
more in dusty sheets or smeared glass frames,
offer me one further glance of meagre recognition,
then fade as swiftly as they came,
each with their shared ambivalent frown,
If only………

© Graham Sherwood 7/2010