Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Koan on a Snowflake

Where is the single snowflake
that fell to earth in a storm,
one wondrous moment
in the palm of my hand,
before melting into oblivion?
What purpose did it serve
or message did it bear,
where is the snowflake now?

© Graham Sherwood 10/2016

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


limp lettuce liberal lemmings,
laughingly lecture
labour leader’s long lost legacy.
later, liaising legions
lying lacklustre, lachrymose
laryngeal lesions lashed
leagues licking libidos
licentiously lurching leaning left
lapsed latently leveraged
lewdly lauding laminated
lapidary leaked letters
lavishly launched literature
learning little
landfill likely
landmark landslide looming
leaving lifestyle limbo

© Graham Sherwood 10/2016

Saturday, October 08, 2016


We all come to this sea,
for the promise of pearls,
fabulous riches
found full five fathoms deep,
but our fine word nets naively
gather unwanted disciples,
tainted limpets that cynically cling,
invade our true sentiments
and weigh down our aspirations
with jealous avarice.
With acrid scowls, we
from beneath our cloaks
judge our fellow anglers’ casts,
berate their bountiful catch
and dismiss as luck
such just rewards.

© Graham Sherwood 10/2016