Tuesday, May 23, 2017


That’s it, it’s over,
your first gig,
and no-one can put the genie
back in the bottle now.
There will be no more arguments
about being all grown up,
no fractious rows about,
how responsible you are
and how you really
can look after yourself.
It was only the half-smile and
“give her a break” look
from your mother
that melted my indignant resolve
sadly it will haunt her forever.
So I reluctantly said yes!
and foolishly added the haughty caviat
“but make sure you
come out early before the crush”
a defeated dad’s demand
that will haunt me for eternity too.
The only thing that may
keep me sane,
keep me strong for your mum’s sake
was the serene look of pleasure
on your beautiful face
as you hurried down the steps
caught my eye and waved jubilantly,
before your words suffocated
behind the flash.

© Graham Sherwood 22/05/2017

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Noises Off

It’s a quiet house now, but
still the refrigerator grumbles
several times a day,
chuntering grudgingly
evasive in the corner, like
an old man in a public lavatory
having difficulty with a troublesome fly button,
immersed in some personal 
but secret commentary.

In the same room, and
not to be outdone
a splendid kitchen clock
a headmistress in the making
claps out loud, for attention at
twenty-to the hour,
but strangely
she only applauds us twice a day.

After the heating has been on, and
the house cools of an evening,
the radiators stolid
as a pair of opening batsmen
retire for the day un-bowled,
sending a turbulent creak
through spare-bedroom Jim
who settles by turning over in contracting huff.

I, prone on the small sofa
need to mimic a corpse
for fear of releasing a random fart
from the highly-polished leather,
dissatisfied with the knowledge
that no-one will believe it wasn’t me.
It’s a quiet house now
there’s only two of us.

© Graham Sherwood 05/2017

Tuesday, May 09, 2017


It is the fiercest of beasts
that gnaws our wits
wakes us from peaceful slumber
and gives relentless chase.
We alone
have curated this voracious animal
and are now its slaves,
it needs us not, but
keeps us in this benign captivity
having locked us up
within its cage,
invisible, indomitable, and
of our own precise fabrication.
Thus, we are doomed to wither
until our blessed release,
the monster slain
and us, left
free to roam eternity.

© Graham Sherwood 05/2017