Thursday, September 28, 2017

Holly and Oak

The first leaves burnish
under late September warmth,

already the tattered flayed canopy
is shot through with sun spears,

laser fine straight
showerhead piercing
the mute gold shadows,

a last hussar of light
charges the lifeless underbrush
the crown falls.

© Graham Sherwood 09/2017


In this peculiar dimmed copper dawn
the matins bell plays messenger
to the first ferreting fingers
of October's spying chill.

Terracotta pots unwatered, light,
totter and topple to worry whine
back and forth and back
against uneven riven slabs.

Laxton windfalls, squandered
like snookered reds are
poked by autumn gusts, to
scatter searching safety.

Here the peaceful rhythm changes, as
summer's calming croon cries out
then fades beneath the balladeering
snap of twigs and crackling leaves.

© Graham Sherwood 09/2017

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Koan on Sound

See how sound may confer movement
on an inanimate object.
Notice how temperature may
alter a sound.
Consider then the movement
that the temperature of each season
may impart to a sound

© Graham Sherwood 09/2017

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Palindromic Piddling

Strange forces horological
stir me from the warm darkness
at 3.33,
peculiarly, it was 4.14 yesterday
and bizarrely 5.05 the day before.
After peeing pondering palindromes
I shuffle back to bed
to the warm darkness at 3.43

© Graham Sherwood 09/2017