Monday, February 22, 2010


(I was recently advising someone that D H Lawrence was a good source of erotic description. Afterwards it made me remember his poem "snake" and this piece is some sort of hybrid of both it and erotic verse).

Charm me, like a snake
draw me up,
use your hands to hold me there,
firm but wavering,
my intent unclear
in gentle sway, erect
with piercing concentration,
one aching tip,
unable to satisfy my basic urge
to spit and strike
into your soft plum flesh.

© Graham Sherwood 2/2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010


So I tread on your Lego whilst still in my socks,
and listen when you tell me that I’ve slowed down a lot,
I need a little magic (you say) to keep up,
with your matter of fact honesty, candour and pluck,
then I see the ten years that your parents have aged,
in your three and three quarters of continual rampage,
but sat here with me on our pirate-ship bed
we sail through adventures that swim through your head,
to find buried treasure from wallpaper maps,
then escape from fierce monsters and their fiendish deep traps,
but as danger passes with some biscuits and tea,
I consider our futures and whether we’ll be
still joined at the hip on your wonderful pages,
when your battles are won and this warhorse ages.

© Graham Sherwood 2/2010