Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sunday Haiku

Dream Shower Toast Tea
Newspaper Leaf-Mould Hail Storm
Walk Five Fish Dinner

© Graham Sherwood 10/2013

Awaiting Erato

(Study of a blank page).

Alone again, what is Muse?
What kind of entity
as light as breath, heavy as guilt, capricious as faith
that holds me in such crushing torpor
of impatient anticipation.
Be she young, or she at all?
who points my gaze, loosens my tongue
and sets ablaze my thoughts,
before, with scant indication
If a he, Muse is brutal
a fierce prodigal who bears no kindred spirit
no brotherly bond
and will not fight my corner,
who lashes cruelly with barbed whips
that rip the sleeves of my recoiling aspirations.
No, Muse is she
who, tosses tendrilled locks
with a curious, unsure countenance,
the promise of a smile, the treason of a frown,
the blink of embrace, the furnaces of loss,
why else would I wait here?

© Graham Sherwood 10/2013

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Going Back

(A reflective thought on a planned reunion).

Later over dinner we re-assemble
like old knights with their ladies,
to study surreptitiously one another’s lifelines
and to hear what japes have come and gone
throughout these last fifty years or so.
The weight of our armour is now replaced
by the fat of too few battles fought.
Of course what we really want to know
we are all too afraid to ask,
of how a lifetime drifted by unseen

© Graham Sherwood 10/2013