Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Finedon Mill

There’s the lightest frisson,
a gentle breeze, caught up
and nudged by the threat
of an approaching storm
to shake lacework ripples
across the millpond’s placid face.
Once spent the bobbing lilies
slowly come to rest, so dapping flies
may once more tap dance
on the settled spreading pads.
Watched by a bowed but proud straw man
aged branches creak and wheeze,
beech leaves whistling their worried trill
unsure the storm is satisfied.

© Graham Sherwood 06/2017

Thursday, June 22, 2017


we choose,
some lose
young old,
weak bold
colours pall,
fortunes fall
care less,
reap mess
woman man,
colours shift,
fortunes drift
weather storm,
regain norm
action stations
colours tally,
fortunes rally

© Graham Sherwood 06/2017

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Morning Bill

We sleep downstairs,
wonderful in this heat and
I’m dreaming of Bea playing
outside the open bedroom window
too early
then realise it’s the boys next door
in the tree house.
I slip out and leave you to sleep
entangled, and
stumble up to make tea,
wash up last night’s wine glasses
wistful, remembering
the taste of each wine
the words of each friend
still sat out at midnight
warm as freshly picked fruit.
Now, a lazy breakfast
at the same table
coffee, yoghurt and strawberries
far too healthy, but
it’s Father’s Day, so
I think of the children
and my own father too, long dead

© Graham Sherwood 06/2017

Thursday, June 08, 2017


outside nothing stirs,
occasionally a lazy cloud
glides across the tarnished moon,
a slow-motion camera shutter
sleep defying blink,
light into darkness into light
then motionless once more

it’s easy to become snake-eyed,
my saucer size pupils
glare at a single point
a lichen covered stone toad
urgently willing movement,
my brain elects to play the game
improvises a shudder
then sniggers patronizingly
I am so easily fooled

Through this silver, charcoal, silver repartee
I am lost to a Zen torpor
the same word revolves
light into darkness into light

© Graham Sherwood 06/2017

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Free Radicals

Unbidden foreign spores
alight upon our skin
and slowly seed among us
thus the canker sows

feint blemishes first unseen
religiously infect with malevolent
seditious intent
so the canker grows

youthful bloom bleeds
self-assured beauty poisoned
tainted by this vague stain
see the canker shows

this crippling vile palour
deepens, burrowing
embryo to oblivion
now the canker blows

© Graham Sherwood 06/2017