Friday, January 04, 2013

The Man and the Willow

(Fine thoughts whilst coppicing a willow).

The boy climbed warily amongst the branches of the tree
She, his mother asked him what he was doing
I must cut a stick, for all boys need a stick
And what will you do with it, she enquired
I will slay the bears that live in the forest.

The young man climbed swiftly, ape-like into the tree
She, his wife asked him why he was up the tree
I must cut two sticks, for my son and I
Why do you each need a stick, she laughed
We are going to hunt the bears that live in the forest

The man perched the ladder carefully between the branches of the tree
His wife shouted, be careful, you’re not as young as you were
I must cut five sticks for my grandsons and me
Why do you need so many sticks, she frowned
There are many bears in the forest to hunt

The old man sat in the chair and watched his small boys scale the tree
He shouted to cut only the strongest straightest sticks
You must cut four, one for each of you
What about a stick for you too Grandfather, they called
We still need you to show us where the bears hide in the forest.

The four young men sat in the tree, motionless as crows,
Each with a freshly cut, strong, straight, stick
The eldest holding an extra stave
None looked out toward the forest and its bears
All stared glumly at the empty garden chair

© Graham Sherwood 01/2013

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